Saturday, February 27, 2010


When I'm just sitting at home, bored to the point that I have begun tracing the shadows on the walls, I really want to go somewhere. ANYWHERE. And then when I do, it's like, "Meh".

Like now, for instance. I am in New York. New. YORK. Am I ice skating at Rockefeller Center? Shopping in some darling boutique? No. I'm watching curling on TV. Curling. I am not even kidding you.

This is an actual thing that occurs.

I know, Internet. That's what I said, too.

Sometimes I just wish there was someplace to go in my own backyard. Like, let's say I was just walking around in the woods, minding my own business and trying not to get slashed by a rampaging chain saw murderer (which frequently happens in woods or camps or amusement parks or grocery stores--shut up, I am not that paranoid, I swear it happens). So I'm hypothetically walking through a hypothetical woodsy area and I hypothetically come across a hypothetical rabbit hole and hypothetically fall in (which makes sense because of my incredibly non-hypothetical klutziosity) and hypothetically meet a rabbit with a pocket watch and Johnny Depp and some talking flowers and Johnny Depp.

Did I mention Johnny Depp?

C'mon, you just KNOW that crazy shenanigans would ensue. I would ensue the heck out of those shenanigans.

I love Alice in Wonderland, so obviously I am looking forward to the new movie. It comes out around the time of my birthday, too, so I'm all psyched that I can use it as a theme for my party. I've been thinking a lot about it and procrastinating real work looking up awesome party ideas. Here I will teach you how to throw the best Un-Birthday or Un-Un-Birthday (if it really is your birthday) parties ever. Okay? Cool. I knew you'd be excited, Internet. You just GET me like that.

We're like THIS.

So the first thing I would recommend doing would be to read the actual book. Why? It's an amazing read for any age. Alice in Wonderland works as a great bedtime story for little kids, with whimsical pictures and numerous opportunities for funny voices. But adults will find humor in the most unlikely places, as well as a sophisticated allegory for the society of the day. Plus, if you know the back story of how Lewis Carroll was actually sort of a pedo for this real little girl named Alice (on whom he based the story and who he wrote it for) it makes the whole thing much edgier than the occasional toast-and-butter-fly, although there is an opium-smoking caterpillar. At least see the Disney movie, though. It is trés adorable.

And here's the movie--->

As for the party, I'm just gonna try to re-create some of these breathtaking examples:



*The trick is to not just have a croquet/ tea party, but to really make a wonderland. As everybody knows, however, enough twinkle lights will solve most any decorating problem.

*I absolutely adore daisies, so I would recommend using them as well as tulips and marigolds, all in vibrant and varying colors, of course.

*Make sure your music is light and airy with a sort of enchanting feel to it. Try Lenka, A Fine Frenzy, Priscilla Ahn, Jason Mraz, Sara Bareilles, Lily Frost, the Cardigans, or maybe the Beatles (their pychedelic stuff, not the teeny bopper fifties rag).

*Jewel tones are very nice, especially in your choice of balloons. And there MUST be balloons, preferably both regular helium-filled latex ones as well as balloon animals. Maybe you could hire somebody to make balloon hats?

"My intricate inflatable head adornments bring all the boys to the yard..."


Alice in Wonderland has also swooped down onto the fashion scene. I can't go into a single store without some kind of Alice themed merchandise glaring up at me with the sad "buy me"
eyes. That's good, though, because the elements of the book are just so marketable. Check it out:

I know, right? Teeny tiny hats, teapots and playing cards, pocket watches, even a ruff! Did you hear that, Internet? A. RUFF.


Well, that's all I have to say about Alice for the moment. I'll let you know how that party goes. Coming soon: How to make Alice in Wonderland party favors and invitations. Now I gotta go. I'm afraid that "I'm late for a very important date. No time to say hello--goodbye! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!". Shut up. I'm witty.


Friday, February 26, 2010

New Beginnings

"New Beginnings"? That is a lame title for my First Post Ever. I apologize for my lame-ness. Hopefully in time you will come to find it quaint, like mahogany birdhouses and camomile tea.

Yes, just like Peter Rabbit drank.

I've got to tell you, Internet, this has been some day. We had to take a train up to New York for a funeral, and it seemed like the universe had it in for me. Missed bus. Water bottle leaked in bag. Lost hat (and I loved that friggin' thing). Missed another bus. Waited for next one IN THE SNOW. Almost got devoured by army of Abominable Snowmen riding wolves (I swear that was not "just the plow, now stop hyper-ventilating"). On the whole, quite an ordeal.

Can you see the bloodlust in his eyes?

I decided to start this blog because I do new and exciting things every day. Aaand if you know me, you know that I am prone to forgetfulness. And falling. A lot (not the most coordinated person, either). That's why I want to keep track of it all and make it so I won't forget the good stuff. That way, I can read these posts and be all, "Oh yeah! The pudding cannon! Good times...". What? It's still in the planning stages, but I assure you, it will take the world by storm. Just like me. You see, dear Internet, I've got big plans.

Not exactly like that...

For one, I plan on being extremely famous. The thing about fame that people don't seem to realize, though, is that nobody needs to know you to achieve it. Fame is a state of mind. Even if not one single person reads this blog (that word always, ALWAYS makes me giggle)... I will. I will read it. I'll remember things about myself that would have been lost forever in that bottomless chasm of my head. So there's one hit right there. That's famous enough for me. I'll get there one day. I have to believe that. Who knows? Maybe sooner than I think.
