Friday, February 26, 2010

New Beginnings

"New Beginnings"? That is a lame title for my First Post Ever. I apologize for my lame-ness. Hopefully in time you will come to find it quaint, like mahogany birdhouses and camomile tea.

Yes, just like Peter Rabbit drank.

I've got to tell you, Internet, this has been some day. We had to take a train up to New York for a funeral, and it seemed like the universe had it in for me. Missed bus. Water bottle leaked in bag. Lost hat (and I loved that friggin' thing). Missed another bus. Waited for next one IN THE SNOW. Almost got devoured by army of Abominable Snowmen riding wolves (I swear that was not "just the plow, now stop hyper-ventilating"). On the whole, quite an ordeal.

Can you see the bloodlust in his eyes?

I decided to start this blog because I do new and exciting things every day. Aaand if you know me, you know that I am prone to forgetfulness. And falling. A lot (not the most coordinated person, either). That's why I want to keep track of it all and make it so I won't forget the good stuff. That way, I can read these posts and be all, "Oh yeah! The pudding cannon! Good times...". What? It's still in the planning stages, but I assure you, it will take the world by storm. Just like me. You see, dear Internet, I've got big plans.

Not exactly like that...

For one, I plan on being extremely famous. The thing about fame that people don't seem to realize, though, is that nobody needs to know you to achieve it. Fame is a state of mind. Even if not one single person reads this blog (that word always, ALWAYS makes me giggle)... I will. I will read it. I'll remember things about myself that would have been lost forever in that bottomless chasm of my head. So there's one hit right there. That's famous enough for me. I'll get there one day. I have to believe that. Who knows? Maybe sooner than I think.


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