Saturday, April 24, 2010

Scout's Honor

I used to be a Girl Scout. Really. Me. Okay, stop laughing now.

We went camping a few times, once in an aquarium and another time in the actual woods. I know, right? When we got there, me and the girls got very nervous about the whole thing. I mean, there were, like, trees and junk. So for the first part of the day my troop ate through a few bags of marshmallows and watched some DVDs in our troop leaders mini van. Outside the windows we saw soaked, muddy little girls, their tears indistinguishable from the heavenly onslaught. They marched in time, spurred on only by the knowledge that this childhood trauma promised them a colorful new badge to adorn their precious vinyl vests. And yet the cost of the patch was their sense of justice in the world and an empty place that would linger in their hearts for the rest of their lives. Meanwhile we cranked up the movie to drown out their sobs. A few DVDs and a tummy ache later, we were those girls. Suffice it to say I never fully recovered.

What would come to be known as "The Incident" still weighs heavily on my conscience like Vietnam vets get PTSD. The muddy carnage, the zip line (that they hooked me into backwards so I fell 44 feet in the icy cold, unsure of what I was heading towards- pointy branches? Maniacs brandishing boards with rusty nails poking out of them? Potayto potahto...), the mosquito bites and that awesome acorn that I found that looked like a squirrel but then dropped... and most of all the Eddie Murphey movie we watched before it all. It was a dark time that would live on forever in infamy.

Friends don't let friends watch Norbit.

Not surprisinly the highest rank I made it to was Brownie Scout. I got to keep the neat vest, though. It was pretty darn snazzy.

A budding young fashion icon.

The reason I'm reminded of my short stint in the Girl Scouts of America, a cult as secretive and sacred as the Masons (but with moderately less paddling), is that I really have a hankering for a plate of brownies. Not the canibal-y kind, the Betty Crocker kind. Has anybody ever thought of making some and icing them with little patched vests on? Because I think that would be priceless. Go work on that, Internet. I commandeth you lest I send my old Scout buddies to reek sweet chocolate-y vengeance.

From Troop 687. We call her "Rabies Jenny".

Anyway, in other brownie-related news, it has come to my attention that Snoop Dogg was on The Martha Stuart Show. And they made- wait for it- BROWNIES. One can assume that they were very, very special brownies. Hey, why not? Jail changes a woman and Martha is no exception.


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